The Last Straw – Reducing Single Use Plastics
It’s fast approaching the end of July, and with it the month long campaign dedicated to raising awareness about minimising the purchase of all products with plastic packaging and in particular reducing single-use plastics. The publicity campaign may well have calmed down a tad by now, but this year, more than previous years, the message seems to have permeated further, taken a hold within communities and the ripple effect can be seen and felt if one is discerning enough to notice. . It’s not just those flimsy plastic bags that are getting negative press though. It’s also plastic straws and water bottles and microplastics which are floating in our waterways and oceans and being gobbled up by fish and then…yup, you guessed it, gobbled up by us! It can all seem a bit overwhelming, too big a problem to possibly tackle all on your own. Even when we’re told there will be more plastic than fish in the sea by 2050, it’s hard to really know where to start...