World Bicycle Day 2021: Here’s Why You Should Make Cycling a Daily Habit


World Bicycle Day 2021: Here’s Why You Should Make Cycling a Daily Habit

Cycling is a multidimensional activity; it is not just a mode of transportation, but taking up cycling as a regular activity has various benefits to health too. Alternatively, a bicycle is a clean and eco-friendly mode of transportation. 

 As we celebrate World Bicycle Day 2021 today, we look at some of the major benefits of taking up cycling as an activity:

Improved Cardiovascular health

Many experts believe taking up cycling as a regular activity can help you improve your heart’s health and minimize the risk of severe cardiac problems. According to, cycling as regular exercise can also keep your blood pressure levels in check. High blood or hypertension increases your risk of having heart-related health issues.

Good for Weight Loss

Cycling is very good exercise for people who are looking to shed some extra pounds from their body. A good hour of cycling can help you burn 400 to 1000 calories, depending upon the intensity and the rider weight.

Improved Lungs’ Health

Taking up regular cycling can help you improve the health of your lungs. Cycling’s rhythmic, cyclical nature is very beneficial to the lungs. While cycling, the lungs are constantly supplied with fresh oxygen, and the higher breathing rate develops the surrounding muscles. A healthy lung can absorb more oxygen-rich air because it circulates more air across the lungs.

Apart from these it is an eco-friendly transport & makes environment more clean.

We should use more & more e-bicycles to protect our environment and also make ourselves less dependent on fuels which are fast depleting and not good for our environment.


Hydrte was launched in 2019 with one main goal in mind, to produce a water bottle that helped significantly reduce single-use plastic consumption, whilst being stylish & convenient.

One million single-use plastic water bottles are sold every 60 seconds worldwide.

This is a huge problem for our planet.

60% of these bottles end up in landfill or even our rivers and oceans. 

The Hydrte bottle was designed in London, inspired by the busy lifestyle of the city itself. The shape of the Hydrte bottle is unique, practical and convenient.


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