5 Beauty Benefits of Drinking Water
1. Helps Keep Skin Young
Without water, the skin begins to shrivel up and dry. Prolonged periods of dehydration will exacerbate skin damage and the effects of dry air on the skin. While water won’t cure wrinkles, consistent hydration can help keep skin looking younger and healthier for longer.
2. Increases Skin Elasticity
To increase the skin’s lifespan and reduce stretch marks, drink water. According to Michigan State University, water directly increases the skin’s elasticity. This means that well-hydrated skin can be stretched further without being damaged. In other words, drinking water is like stretching your muscles, only for your skin.

3. Boosts Skin’s Glow
Because the skin is comprised of about 64 percent water, it becomes flaky without hydration. Causing ashy and itchy skin, a lack of water can exacerbate these ailments in dry areas. This is why moisturizers like lotion help smooth out skin and contribute to a water-based “glow”.
4. Helps Combat Skin Conditions Like Eczema
While there are medical treatments for skin conditions like eczema, drinking more water can help these medical treatments work more effectively. In addition to medications, experts recommend taking showers to hydrate the skin and drinking enough water each day.
Water for Gorgeous Nails
Moisture plays a key role in nail maintenance. Since your fingers are constantly exposed and come into contact with plenty of harsh materials every day, it’s important to make sure they’re strong and healthy by keeping them hydrated. Besides, who doesn’t like to keep their nails looking well-manicured?

5. Prevents Peeling
Water helps hydrate the nail itself and will strengthen them over time. Without adequate water, nails can peel much more easily, as the typical amount of water content in a human nail is 18 percent — when the amount drops below 16 percent, the nails will start to become brittle.
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