5 Ways To Stop Using Single Use Plastic

1. Switch to reusable sandwich bags

Image: ReZip
Can you believe the average American uses over 500 sandwich bags per year?? And while they can be reusable to a certain extent, they can only take so many rinses before they need to hit the trash. The good news is there’s a simple and very handy solution. Reusable sandwich baggies! We love the ReZip from Blue Avocado 4-Piece Essential Set which includes four bags in a variety of sizes for all your snacking and lunchtime needs. These are perfect for taking to work, traveling, and hiking. We also keep one filled with kiddo snacks in the diaper bag at all times!

2. Stop Using Saran Wrap

bees wrap
Image: Bee’s Wrap
And start using Bee’s Wrap! All the convenience of saran wrap (which has really proved its value since having kids) without the waste! And that awkward stick-to-everything-you-dont-want-it-to-ness. Bee’s Wrap is made from organic cotton and sustainably harvested bees wax. It’s washable and, according to the manufacturer, can last up to a year with proper handling. We’ve used it, it works, it’s awesome. Did we mention it comes in great prints?

3. Get a Reusable Water Bottle

It’s a little surprising when we see people sipping artisanal bottled water then tossing the plastic bottle in the trash. It’s not only ironic, it’s a little dumbfounding considering the plethora of reusable water bottles on the market. Our favorite for on-the-go is the mighty Hydrte water bottles. They claim they keep your cold drinks cold and your hot drinks hot and they’ve got that right. We once left our bottle under the Hawaiian sun for 4 hours and returned to find our H2O nice and chilly, ice still in tact.

4. Say No to (plastic) Straws

Image: Amazon
Straws have a way of just appearing in your drink. Ice tea? Long straw. Cocktail? Two tiny straws. Rarely are they asked for. But even more rarely are they asked NOT for. It’s a proactive step that requires actually stopping and thinking about the fact a straw is likely to appear in front of you after you asked for a water at a restaurant. And once one is put in your beverage, taking it out and not using it really doesn’t make a positive impact (although we have done it out of guilt). And to be honest, straws are pretty convenient. So why are they a big deal? Well, in the US alone we use about 500 million straws daily. And these puppies ain’t recycled.
So how do you cut the straw out of your life? Assume that you’re going to be served one in every single drink someone gives you and do your damndest to refuse it before it gets put in your drink. This will be hard to remember, but if every time you forget to do this you look at your straw and say “oh sh** I don’t want that!” it will eventually sink in and become habitual to ask for your drinks sans straw. Now what if you actually really like straws?? (me). You’re in luck. There are great options that aren’t those paper straws that disintegrate in you lemonade before you have a sip. There’s glass straws like these from Strawsome or stainless steel like these from Onyx. Either way, you’ll be sipping sustainably.

5. Bring Your Own Bags (everywhere)

Image: Chico Bags
Duh, right? But look around the grocery store the next time you’re there, think about what you do when you forget your bags in the car or at home, and think outside of the grocery store. Tons of people are still schlepping their groceries home in plastic bags. Even the best intentioned of us find ourselves in a bag conundrum at times. (“Can I carry it all to the car in my hands without dropping everything? Or do I just use the damn bag? I’ll reuse it for something, I promise!”) Now think about all the places plastic bags are used OUTSIDE of the grocery store. Target, the mall, the hardware store, etc etc etc. Try and keep a reusable bag in your purse/car/bike basket at all times and chances are you’ll find opportunities to use it. We’re loving Chico Bag’s rePETE sling bag. It’s made from 100% post-consumer recycled content and wraps up into a tiny compact ball you can fit anywhere.
Hydrte is a sleek & convenient solution to a BIG problem in our world right now.That problem is Single-use plastic bottles. Humans are purchasing 1,000,000+ single-use bottles every 60 seconds. Only 23% of that is being recycled. The hydrte bottle has been designed to offer a premium feel and has a convenient flat shape. With a capacity of 350ml it is the perfect everyday water bottle. EXPLORE THE BOTTLE


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