Facts about plastic bottles

Given that you are on this website you are probably aware of the alternatives and the benefits of recycling a plastic bottle.
The consumer culture that prevails around us makes huge pollution and the occurrence of plastic waste.
Below is a list of facts listing the extent of pollution:
  • Plastic bottles require up to 700 years to dissolve.
  • 90% of the cost of bottled water is the bottle itself.
  • 80% of plastic bottles never get recycled.
  • 38 million plastic bottles go to landfill each year in America alone.
  • 24,000,000 liters of oil are needed to produce these billions of plastic bottles.
  • The average American consumes 167 bottles of water per year.
  • Bottling water and shipping transport is the least energy-efficient method of water supply in the history of mankind.
  • Bottled water is the second most popular beverage in the United States.
Hydrte is a sleek & convenient solution to a BIG problem in our world right now.That problem is Single-use plastic bottles. Humans are purchasing 1,000,000+ single-use bottles every 60 seconds. Only 23% of that is being recycled. The hydrte bottle has been designed to offer a premium feel and has a convenient flat shape. With a capacity of 350ml it is the perfect everyday water bottle. EXPLORE THE BOTTLE


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