Seven Simple Ways To Reduce Your Plastic Footprint (And Why You Should Care)

 Plastic bottles, carry bags, six-pack rings, plastic straws, disposable cutlery and styrofoam takeout containers—plastic products like these are so ubiquitous that we barely even notice them, let alone think of the damage they are doing to the environment. 

Over 300 million tons of plastic is produced every year, 50% of which consists of single-use items like straws, stirrers, coffee cups and shopping bags. Since just around 20% of plastic is actually recycled per year globally, the majority of the plastic waste ends up in landfills. That’s not all. According to the United Nations (UN), a staggering eight million tons of this plastic trash makes its way into our oceans each year—killing approximately one million sea birds and 100,000 marine animals annually as they either become entangled in or ingest the plastic debris. 

But plastic pollution is not just a threat to animals, it’s harmful to us humans, too. “Once plastic reaches the environment in the form of macro- or microplastics, it contaminates and accumulates in food chains through agricultural soils, terrestrial and aquatic food chains and the water supply. This environmental plastic can easily leach toxic additives or concentrate toxins already in the environment, making them bioavailable again for direct or indirect human exposure,” notes the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL). 

According to a study published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology, humans may be consuming between 39,000 to 52,000 microplastic particles per year thanks to microplastics found in common foods like fish, chicken, sea salt, honey, even beer. What’s more, “microplastics from beauty products and synthetic clothing fibers also end up in our drinking water,” tells Anita Vandyke, a Sydney-based environmentalist, qualified rocket scientist and author of A Zero Waste Life. Ingestion or inhalation of microplastics can lead to a number of health issues, including inflammation, genotoxicity, oxidative stress and necrosis, states CIEL. 

#1 Simply, say no. “This means learning to refuse things that you do not need,” says Zero Waste Home founder, Bea Johnson. Whether it’s a free plastic straw at a café, a pen at a conference, a free toothbrush at the dentist’s or a custom plastic bag at a retail store, freebies are used to attract consumers everywhere. And more often than not, we don’t think twice before grabbing them. But what we don’t realize is that “every time we accept these items, we are creating a demand to make more,” tells Johnson. “So the next time someone offers you a plastic product—whether it’s a bag, a straw or a toy—take a moment to ask yourself, ‘do I really need this?’ You’ll find that 99% of the time, the answer is no,” says the waste-free lifestyle expert. 

#2 Shop items that use little or no plastic packaging. Choose products that have minimal or no plastic packaging, suggests Lauren Singer, New York-based environmental activist and founder of Package Free and zero-waste lifestyle blog, Trash is for Tossers. It will not only help reduce the demand for plastic packaging (which is one of the most common single-use plastic items piling on landfills) but it will also help you save money, she tells.

#3 Buy in bulk. Both Johnson and Singer recommend buying groceries and other daily essentials in bulk. If you can’t buy in bulk at your local store, find a supplier, suggests Johnson. “Bring your own jar to the ice cream shop, a pillowcase to the bakery for your bread or take your own bottles to the winery or brewery,” she adds. 

#4 Swap disposables with reusables. Another great way to curb plastic waste is to switch to reusables instead of relying on plastic disposable items like carry bags, containers and cutlery. “Reusing not only saves time and money in a household but it also saves all the energy and resources that would have otherwise gone into making more disposables,” Johnson points out. So for starters, “bring your own tote bags and reusable containers to the grocery store,” suggests Singer. “I use old glass jars to buy anything wet like meat, fish, deli and cheese,” tells Johnson. “I also use cloth bags—which I’ve made from old sheets—to buy anything dry like flour, sugar, salt and cereal,” she adds. You can use old glass bottles to buy liquids like oil, sauces, shampoo and liquid soap. Additionally, Singer suggests bringing your own utensils and silverware instead of using disposable plastic utensils when you’re eating out. Here are some other easy ways to cut down your plastic usage:

  • Trade clingwrap for reusable containers made of glass or stainless steel.
  • When ordering takeout, request the restaurant to not send any plastic cutlery or straws.  
  • Opt for soap and shampoo bars instead of buying their liquid counterparts that come in plastic bottles.
  • When buying multiple items online, request the vendor to ship everything together. Or, consider buying from sites that use sustainable packaging material. 

#5 Create your own zero-waste kit. “Make yourself a zero-waste kit and carry it with your everywhere,” suggests Vandyke. “Leave it by the front door with your shoes or in your car so you’ll never forget it,” she adds. Vandyke’s zero waste kit includes:

#6 Switch to sustainable fashion. Though fast fashion is trendy and affordable, it comes at an environmental cost. “Fast fashion clothing is predominantly made from synthetic fabrics. It’s a byproduct of the oil and gas industry—which is one of the top three drivers of anthropogenic methane emissions,” tells Singer. Besides, “it uses massive amounts of virgin resources, water and human labor to produce a product that may be worn only once or twice,” says Vandyke. Moreover, “once a piece of fast fashion is manufactured, wearing and washing it also contributes to microplastic pollution,” notes Singer. “The shedding of microfibers from synthetic fabrics usually doesn’t get filtered out by dryers or washing machines. So those fibers end up making their way through our water systems and into the rivers and oceans,” she tells. “The microplastic particles are so small that they often get mistaken for food by marine life. As the organisms in oceans or large waterways start eating these pieces of plastic the toxins inside of them start building up via bioaccumulation,” she explains. And when these smaller creatures are consumed by larger marine animals, the density of toxins starts building up the food chain through a process called biomagnification—ultimately making its way back to us when we consume seafood. “So we are essentially poisoning ourselves by wearing fast fashion clothing,” Singer points out. Both Johnson and Singer recommend buying secondhand clothes as an alternative. It’s a sustainable option since “you’re using something that’s already in the waste stream as opposed to creating demand for a new product,” says Singer. Besides, “secondhand clothing is now more accessible than ever due to platforms like eBay and Poshmark,” she adds. So you can easily make your wardrobe both stylish and diverse without hurting the planet. “You can also swap clothes with your friends and reuse what you already have,” suggests Singer. Also, when shopping for clothes, “choose clothes that are made from natural fibers like cotton, wool and silk instead of synthetic ones,” tells Johnson. They are not only good for the environment but also better for your body as they are more breathable. 

#7 Consider recycling as the last resort. Zero-waste lifestyle doesn’t mean recycling more but less by keeping unnecessary items from entering your space in the first place, says Johnson. It’s also important to understand that plastic in recycling units doesn’t actually get ‘recycled’, it gets downcycled. “While other materials such as glass, paper and aluminum can be recycled infinitely without quality degradation of the material, plastic gets downcycled to poorer and poorer forms of plastic until it can’t be downcycled any further and gets thrown in the landfill,” Vandyke explains. Bottom line: “Recycle only what you cannot refuse, reduce or reuse,” Johnson advises.

Lastly, remember that plastic is a non-renewable resource. It’s made with chemicals sourced from fossil fuels—which are a finite resource. “Most people don’t realize this and think we have an endless supply of it,” says Vandyke. This is another compelling reason why we need to curb plastic wastage and use it only for purposes that really need it, she adds. 

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