Plastic Recycling


Plastic Recycling: The Process, Advantages and Disadvantages

Plastic is one of the most versatile materials of our modern age. And yet the popularity of plastic is the problem. We use 20 times more plastic now than we did 50 years ago and masses of this material is finding its way into the landfill to spend hundreds of years taking up space.

Plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastic objects and particles (e.g. plastic bottles, bags and microbeads) in the Earth's environment that adversely affects wildlife, wildlife habitat, and humans. Plastics that act as pollutants are categorized into micro-, meso-, or macro debris, based on size.

What is the Process of Recycling Plastic?

With countries all over the world under pressure to create a more sustainable future and populations more aware of the need to reduce and reuse, plastic recycling is carried out on a larger scale than ever before. The process involves the following:

  1. Recyclable materials are collected from homes and businesses by recycling schemes or from recycling facilities.
  2. Plastics are sorted from other recyclable materials by highly advanced machines.
  3. The plastic recyclables are sorted into their different types.
  4.  Any plastic types that cannot be recycled are disposed of in landfill.
  5. The plastic is squashed into bales to be sent to a plastic recycling plant.
  6. At the recycling plant, the plastic is cleaned of any impurities such as food waste, ink and labels.
  7. The plastic is ground into flakes or chippings which then go through the process of washing and sorting once again.
  8.  The flakes and chippings are either purified with a chemical solution or melted down to form plastic beads.
  9. The flakes and beads are sent to a plastic manufacturing plant to be melted down again for processing into new products

What are the Advantages of Recycling Plastic?

Recycling plastic can mean good news for our environment and the future of our planet:

  •  Recycling plastic conserves the natural resources and energy that would be required to produce plastic from scratch.
  •  When plastic is recycled, less plastic is sent to landfill and thus, less of this material takes up room in our environment for hundreds of years. In fact, recycling one ton of plastic can save 7.4 cubic yards of landfill space.
  • Plastics are becoming increasingly easy to recycle. Besides the invention of new plastic recycling technology, governments all over the world have plastic collection schemes in place.

What are the Advantages of Recycling Plastic?

Recycling plastic can mean good news for our environment and the future of our planet:

  •  Recycling plastic conserves the natural resources and energy that would be required to produce plastic from scratch.
  •  When plastic is recycled, less plastic is sent to landfill and thus, less of this material takes up room in our environment for hundreds of years. In fact, recycling one ton of plastic can save 7.4 cubic yards of landfill space.
  • Plastics are becoming increasingly easy to recycle. Besides the invention of new plastic recycling technology, governments all over the world have plastic collection schemes in place.



Hydrte was launched in 2019 with one main goal in mind, to produce a water bottle that helped significantly reduce single-use plastic consumption, whilst being stylish & convenient.

One million single-use plastic water bottles are sold every 60 seconds worldwide.

This is a huge problem for our planet.

60% of these bottles end up in landfill or even our rivers and oceans. 

The Hydrte bottle was designed in London, inspired by the busy lifestyle of the city itself. The shape of the Hydrte bottle is unique, practical and convenient.

Its flat slim shape was designed to offer a high-quality feel, whilst maintaining a sleek look. It comfortably fits into handbags, laptop bags, backpacks and just about anywhere else!

You really can stay hydrated whenever, wherever!

For the recommended daily amount of hydration, use tap water and this reusable bottle instead of buying bottled drinks, you could save an average of around £800/$1,000+ per year.

It’s time to stay hydrated in style


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