BPA-Free Plastics


BPA-Free Plastics 


What is BPA and why is it dangerous?

BPA, or bisphenol A, is a chemical used in some plastics, including water bottles, baby bottles, aluminum can liners, caps and lids, and paper receipts. BPA is one of the most notorious “endocrine disruptors,” meaning it disrupts the body’s hormonal systems. Research shows that BPA not only acts just like the hormone estrogen in the body, it also disrupts androgens like testosterone and even thyroid hormones. Furthermore, recent research shows that in addition to affecting the body’s endocrine system, these chemicals disrupt immune function as well.For instance, the immune systems of individuals with higher BPA exposure are less able to control chronic infections.

How do you know if plastic is BPA free?

  • You can easily determine what plastics are BPA-Free by looking at the number stamped on the product. There are different types of plastic containers that are labeled with a 1, 2, or 5 are considered BPA-Free. Plastic products stamped with a 7 indicate a possibility that BPA was used to make the product.

What kind of plastic containers are BPA free?

  • There are different types of plastic containers that are labeled with a 1, 2, or 5 are considered BPA-Free. Plastic products stamped with a 7 indicate a possibility that BPA was used to make the product. 1. Check the recycling number at the bottom of the container: 1 PETE (polyethylene terephthalate).

Credit - universityhealthnews.com


Hydrte was launched in 2019 with one main goal in mind, to produce a water bottle that helped significantly reduce single-use plastic consumption, whilst being stylish & convenient.

One million single-use plastic water bottles are sold every 60 seconds worldwide.

This is a huge problem for our planet.

60% of these bottles end up in landfill or even our rivers and oceans. 

The Hydrte bottle was designed in London, inspired by the busy lifestyle of the city itself. The shape of the Hydrte bottle is unique, practical and convenient.

Its flat slim shape was designed to offer a high-quality feel, whilst maintaining a sleek look. It comfortably fits into handbags, laptop bags, backpacks and just about anywhere else!

You really can stay hydrated whenever, wherever!

For the recommended daily amount of hydration, use tap water and this reusable bottle instead of buying bottled drinks, you could save an average of around £800/$1,000+ per year.

It’s time to stay hydrated in style

Tags :

Flat water bottle 

Flask water bottle 

Flask bottle 

Hydrate water bottle 

Hydrate bottle 

Square water bottle 

Square flat-water bottle 

Slim water bottle


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