
Showing posts from May, 2021

Why We Need Plastic Ban?

  Why We Need Plastic Ban? Plastic pollution is a major problem for all of us. We have already discussed how critical is pollution from plastics. Plastic pollution  is  the accumulation of plastic objects and particles (e.g. plastic bottles, bags and microbeads) in the Earth's environment that adversely affects wildlife, wildlife habitat, and humans.  Plastics that act as pollutants are categorized into micro-, meso-, or macro debris,  based on size . Here are few things why plastic should be banned :- Negative impact on environment One of the biggest threats about plastic bags is that they threaten the environment. Plastic bags pollute the land and water, since they are lightweight, plastic materials can travel long distances by wind and water. Besides, these material bags are made from non-renewable resources. The majority of plastic bags is made of polypropylene, a material derived from petroleum and natural gas. Both of them are non-renewable fossil fuel-bas...

Do you Buy Recycled? Make thoughtful purchases that actually help the planet

  Do you Buy Recycled? Make Thoughtful Purchases That Actually Help The Planet Did you know that recycling doesn't end at the bin? If you're like most people, you probably already recycle your empty containers at home and on the go. Thank you! Recycling is such an important step to keep valuable materials out of the landfill and in the economy, preventing pollution while creating green jobs. Now it's time to complete the cycle of recycling. It's just as important to buy products made with recycled content as it is to recycle. Our consumer choices have an impact far beyond the register. We simply have to stop extracting so much from the Earth. To unlock all those environmental and economic benefits that come with recycling, your recyclables have to transform into new products. In other words…  you already recycle. Now it's time to Buy Recycled. As in previous blogs I have already discussed on plastic recycling, and it's importance, I urge all to buy recycled item...

Global CO2 Pollution Returns To Pre-COVID levels

 Global CO2 Pollution Returns To Pre-COVID levels Global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions have returned to pre-pandemic levels and then some, threatening to put climate treaty targets for capping global warming out of reach, the International Energy Agency says. Energy-related emissions were two percent higher in December 2020 than in the same month a year earlier, driven by economic recovery and a lack of clean energy policies. Long-term exposure to air pollution may be linked to 15 percent of COVID-19 deaths globally, according to a new study. Reduce Emissions’ The authors stressed that attributing COVID-19 deaths to air pollution did not mean that pollution itself was killing people with the disease, although they did not rule out such a cause-effect linkage. Jos Lelieveld, of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, told the AFP news agency that the research suggested “the pollution particles are a co-factor in aggravating the disease”. Credit :

A Composting Guide for Apartment Living

 A Composting Guide for Apartment Living I have a huge guide for  backyard composting , but what if you don’t have a backyard? Can you still compost? Of course, you can!  Composting is the most effective tools in the zero waste tool belt.  How to Compost in an Apartment The average US household produces 650 lbs of organic trash a year, but most of that is landfilled. In fact 60% of our landfills are full of organic matter. You think it would break down since it’s dumped into a giant hole in the ground, but it doesn’t because landfills aren’t aerated. It’s called anaerobic decomposition, and all of that oxygen deprived, organic matter now releases methane into the atmosphere. Methane is 72% more powerful than CO2 which means it’s responsible for hastening climate related issues Credit : Trench method: If you don’t have a yard, this is definitely a reconnaissance mission. Tench composting is where you ...