A Composting Guide for Apartment Living

 A Composting Guide for Apartment Living

I have a huge guide for backyard composting, but what if you don’t have a backyard? Can you still compost? Of course, you can! 
Composting is the most effective tools in the zero waste tool belt. 

How to Compost in an Apartment

The average US household produces 650 lbs of organic trash a year, but most of that is landfilled. In fact 60% of our landfills are full of organic matter. You think it would break down since it’s dumped into a giant hole in
the ground, but it doesn’t because landfills aren’t aerated.

It’s called anaerobic decomposition, and all of that oxygen deprived, organic matter now releases methane into the atmosphere.

Methane is 72% more powerful than CO2 which means it’s responsible for hastening climate related issues

Credit : https://www.goingzerowaste.com/blog/composting-for-apartments/

Trench method:

If you don’t have a yard, this is definitely a reconnaissance mission. Tench composting is where you dig a hole in the ground and bury your compost. It’s really easy, effective, and inexpensive. 

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